Thinking of Getting A Rhinoplasty? We have everything You Need To Know - Costs, Procedure, Recovery Time, and Recommendations!
Correcting a nose problem is an outpatient surgical procedure that can change the shape of your nose or simply to improve any nasal problems you have as a result. Surgical rhinoplasty can be accomplished through general anesthesia or local anesthesia.
Benefits of Nose Job
Under general anesthesia, you can relax and sleep through the surgery. With local anesthesia, your nose will be numbed. What happens with a rhinoplasty operation, is that the surgeon will make the required cuts within your nose to make an appearance change manipulating the bone and cartilage.
If your surgery is to take care of a medical problem, then the surgeon will make incisions across the base of your nose. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, cosmetic rhinoplasty has commonly corrected the following:
- Creates a facial balance because the nose is off-centered
- Reduces an enlarged nose
- Removes bumps or other disfigurements within the bridge of the nose
- Corrects a hooked, upturned, or drooping nostril

Medical rhinoplasty has successfully helped individuals with the following nasal problems:
- Corrects snoring
- Corrects a deviated septum for better breathing
- Alleviates ongoing sinus issues
- Widens the nasal cavity so individuals can breathe when lying down
Your nose job can be performed in a certified physician’s office or an outpatient facility. Even though a general surgeon can perform the surgery, the better-qualified surgeons are plastic surgeons or an otolaryngologist both of whom have been trained in facial plastic surgery.
What is important to know before you undergo a nose job is whether or not you are a good candidate. Your nose surgery should only be performed when the nasal environment is no longer developing. Additional candidates for a rhinoplasty include those who are healthy, they do not smoke, and they are mentally and spiritually prepared for the results of an improved appearance.
If additional cartilage is needed, the surgeon may have to take a graft from your ear or deeper within your nose. Ear cartilage grafts are soft and malleable which is why it is best used for the nasal tip and sides of the nose.
Any more that may be needed will require an implant or a bone graft that is added to the existing bone structure of your nose. For a simple rhinoplasty, the surgery can take up to two hours. Due to a complex rhinoplasty procedure, then your operation will take longer.
The recovery process will be provided by your surgeon. The most important part of the recovery process is not having a rhinoplasty patient having a strenuous healing path. The actions we perform every day, yet take for granted, cannot be performed during the recovery process.
As part of the recovery process instructions, you must not blow your nose, you must not chew excessively, and do not laugh heartily or do a lot of smiling. Also, do not pull your clothing over your head nor should you brush your teeth too long, and please do not place your eyeglasses anywhere on your nose.
A metal splint or a plastic splint will be placed on your nose to help keep its new shape while healing. When lying down, your doctor will insist that your head be elevated to reduce swelling and to prevent bleeding.
For that perfect nose, your recovery process time could be several weeks or six months. But, when stitches have dissolved and the splint removed, your nose transition will be amazing!