Best Christian Universities
When colleges first got their start in the United States, they were primarily founded as institutions of faith. Many of the most prestigious colleges in the country were founded as Christian colleges but have changed with the times and become public schools. However, there are still hundreds of colleges around the country that have stuck to their religious roots and ushered the Bible into modern times and found much success in doing so. Earn your degree online at a Christian University. There are free enrollment & application opportunities available. Scholarship programs are also offered by top schools!In fact, some of the low-cost Christian schools around the country are actually some of the best schools in the United States in general. Below is a list of the best Christian schools you can go to in America that will help you grow your faith while also giving you an amazing education to prepare you for the rest of your adult life.

Universities to Consider
Liberty University is a Christian University that is private and non-profit which means that tuition will cost less than many other colleges around the country. It is located in Lynchburg, Virginia, and is the biggest Christian school not only in the United States but in the entire world, as it is made up of 17 colleges and has over 600-degree programs for its students to pick from. This is a smaller university that is private and offers only 70 degrees to choose from. It is a school in which you can learn about the liberal arts from a Christian based perspective. Faulkner University has more men than women and more than half of its students are minorities that come from all around the world.
This college strives to make faith-based education a possibility for everyone, including people who would not be able to pay for college at other places. Its low tuition costs do not compromise the impressive education it gives its students as it is the fourth-best Christian college in the entire nation. This college helps people in need by giving strong faith-based tuition without breaking the bank.
This college is not just a good Christian college, it is one of the best colleges in the entire western region. It is a fully accredited college that integrates faith and the Bible into all of its curriculum meaning that students grow in their faith while growing in their education at the same time. It has a strong Liberal Arts program and its annual tuition is in mid-range coming in at roughly $20,000 dollars a year.
What makes this faith-based school much different than other private Christian schools in the country is its commitment to helping adults find a complete harmony between work life, education, and life. The University works hard to make it possible for people who work and are trying to pursue an education to be able to do so without having to give up their entire lives. It has cultivated a school of trust between administration, teachers, and students which is why students continue to give raving reviews for the college year after year.
Fontbonne may be small having only a thousand students or less, but that does not mean it is not one of the best Christian colleges you can go too. Because the school is so small, this means that each class size is incredibly intimate and allows students the ability to have access to their professors and gain a deeper understanding of what they are learning. The school comes in 72nd place for midwestern colleges overall and gives students great value for the education they are paying for.
Belmont University is totally dedicated to giving students the best education possible by having teachers who are dedicated to teaching their subject passionately. It is a school that honors the nation's veterans by offering them special tuition rates and fees. Though it strives to come out on top as a great academic Christian college in general, its music and music production degrees stand out among the rest. It is one of the pricier private schools with a tuition of approximately $32,000 a year.
Anyone of these colleges are great schools that offer their students a way to learn and excel in the next chapter of their lives. Not only do these top colleges provide excellent educations for their students but give them a strong faith-based foundation that prepares them to impact the world for Jesus Christ.