Dental Hygienist Training

Dental hygienists play an important role in the oral health of dental patients. Thus, it is important that they attend an accredited dental hygienist school to learn proper cleaning techniques. They must study numerous subjects and accumulate a certain amount of clinical hours with patients.

Despite the heavy work it takes to become a dental hygienist, the prospects for this career are very good. You will be happy to know that there are dental schools all over the United States. If you want to find out the job outlook and how to get the best education, continue reading the sections below.

Coursework for Dental Hygienist School

When you enter dental hygienist school, you will have to study a number of subjects. Some of these areas of study include, but are not limited to:
  • Chemistry
  • Anatomy
  • Psychology
  • Nutrition
  • Microbiology
You may be wondering “how do I get into a dental hygienist school near me?” Most dental hygiene programs require a high school diploma and passing scores on college entrance exams. Furthermore, there are certain programs that mandate that applicants have spent at least one year in college prior to application.

Prospective students might also have to receive all of their immunizations, become CPR certified, or undergo a background check before they can be accepted into a dental hygiene program. 

It is possible to go to a dental hygienist school online, as long as it is accredited. Additionally, it is mandatory to graduate from a program before a student can take his or her licensing exams. These exams, which are administered by the American Dental Association (ADA), test prospective hygienists on their clinical skills and knowledge. 

Cost for Dental Hygienist School

The cost for a dental hygienist technical school will depend on the area and state that you live in. However, according to the American Dental Hygienists Association, the average cost depends on the level of education attained. For example, if you are aiming for an associate degree, it may cost you $22,692. However, it is possible to receive up to a Master’s degree in dental hygiene, which can cost approximately $30,421.

Furthermore, these costs may change depending on the institution you go to. If you decide to pursue your degree at a community college, the costs will be lower. Pursuing your education at a four-year institution, however, may increase from the average costs.

Costs to study at a dental hygienist tech school include various factors. Tuition, supplies, and other typical university fees may be included in the cost. There is also the cost of books, which in the medical field, are quite expensive. If you are living on campus, you must also consider the cost of room and board, as well as transportation.

Best Dental Hygienist School in the U.S.

The University of Michigan is known to have the best dental hygienist school in the country. The institution offers a Bachelor of Science degree, Master's degree, and Doctor of Dental Surgery. There is also the option to take courses online. 

The Bachelor of Science track requires students to complete 30 credit hours of classes. This is a requirement to enter in the School of Dentistry, in which students will complete three years of coursework. Certain courses that may be included for this dental hygienist technical school are:

  • Oral Anatomy
  • Dental Practice Emergencies
  • Community Dentistry
  • Gerontological Dental Hygiene
  • Internal Medicine

Students must complete a total of 120 credit hours in order to graduate. 

Dental Hygienist Job Outlook

There is a good reason to go into dental hygienist tech school today. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of dental hygienists is expected to grow 11 percent within 10 years starting from 2018. 

This is a much faster rate than average occupations. The reason for this job growth is that patients are more likely to keep more of their original teeth than previous generations. Therefore, there will be a need to maintain and treat teeth. 

Another reason is the link between oral health and general health. Studies show that this link is what helps expand oral hygiene services and increase demands for these services. When it comes to job prospects for dental hygienists, this will vary depending on the area you live in. If you are someone who just graduated from a dental hygienist school, you will the market to be competitive. 

The reason for this is the number of applicants for these dental hygienist programs is higher than the number of people accepted. Dental hygienists are also less likely to leave their job than workers from other career paths.